Comstock Presents 3D Printing Expertise at National STEM Forum & Expo

Comstock Presents 3D Printing at National Level
Posted on 05/18/2015
kim and mark present
Kim Sandefur (4th grade teacher, STEM Academy) and Mark Peeters (technology director) were selected to present their ground breaking 3D printing curriculum at the National Science Teachers Association Annual STEM Forum & Expo. This year's annual expo is being held in Minneapolis, MN, with about 9,000 to 12,000 educators from all over the nation in attendance.

One unique thing about the lessons they have developed is the young age groups they work with. In most school districts across the country 3D printing is found primarily at the high school level. Through a collaborative effort between the STEM teachers and Comstock tech department, Comstock STEM Academy elementary students are leading the charge for elementary level 3D printing. Through the use of open source software, students are designing and creating their own 3D printed objects that are centered around the core curricular areas.

Mark Peeters Talking 3DWe congratulate Kim, Mark and the rest of the educational team for representing Comstock Public Schools as leaders in innovation at the national level.
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Created:7/1/2015 12:11:24 PM