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“The Science of Character” The Science of Character (8 mins) explores the neuroscience and social science that proves that we can shape who we are, and who we want to be in the world.

"The Science of Character" - new 8 min film from The Moxie Institute on Vimeo.

Here is a taste from the discussion guide for (ages 10-14) For complete discussion guide, go here: SOCDiscussionGuideAges10-14.pdf

  1. Take a look at the periodic table of character strengths. What are your four strongest character strengths? (LINK: PeriodicTableCharacterStrengths.pdf)

  2. How can you use them to improve your life? How can you use them to improve your community?

  3. Now look back at the table of character strengths. What are three character strengths you'd like to develop?

  4. Pick one of the strengths you want to develop. What’s something you could do right now to bring more of that strength into your life?

Posted by Chris Chopp  On Nov 30, 2016 at 1:15 PM 22 Comments
In the first week of October I am asking that you watch, “The Adaptable Mind.” This short video explores the skills we need to flourish in the 21st Century. The film begins with a question to the world through social media: what’s a great example of a 21st century mind in action?

Of the hundreds of inspiring stories that flooded in, one stood out: Los Angeles-based professor and artist, Mary Beth Heffernan, was listening to coverage of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa and how isolating and traumatic it must be for patients to interact only with hazmat suits for weeks on end. She thought, “what if they put pictures of their faces on the front of the suits?” Thousands of letters, grants, and hurdles later, Mary Beth’s story reveals that, while there is a lot of fear that technology is displacing our jobs, the skills we need most in the 21st Century — curiosity, creativity, taking initiative, multi-disciplinary thinking, and empathy — happen to be skills that machines don’t have; only humans have.

Share your thoughts on our FaceBook page or in the comments section below!
Posted by Jason Hall  On Nov 30, 2016 at 1:15 PM 35 Comments